Snow Day Monologues
Setting: Various rooms of 6 different home bound students on a "Snow Day"
Cast Total: 7 =
3-males 3-females 1-Radio Announcer (either)

Six different students at home on a school snow day. Each one passes the time in different ways - through intertwining monologues. Brittney struggles with her identity, her fashion and a severe lack of true friends.
Herb creates a web video about his struggles with the school bully and philosophy on life.
Simone fights boredom as well the idea her creepy neighbor may be buried in a snow drift.
Todd is anxious to catch up on homework and finish a book report. Only problem is all of his books are at school and he is stuck at home.
Beverly is having poetry delusions as she desperately tries to get some sleep.
Matt is handing out advice to other on-line gamers: related to both their game play and personal lives.

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